Download steam jagged alliance 2 wildfire
Download steam jagged alliance 2 wildfire

download steam jagged alliance 2 wildfire

Nobody wants to see the Wildfire Devs and the guys who created the v1.13 Mod in prison, do we? Or broke. So it wasn't being mean, it was being honest and careful. So allowing that to be in Wildfire - that is available for pay - causes legal issues - so they protected their own butts and those of Wildfire Devs by saying, sorry you can't do that. What happened is that the modders are under certain restrictions - because they have the source code released to the original under that usage - and because they aren't allowed to allow in anyway any money to be made off of that source code. You can also find out a lot of info at the Bear Pit, which has changed website addresses a while back, about all things Jagged Alliance. Not sure if we are allowed to post the website here, so I'll avoid it. It will run from the CD disk or DVD versions, but you may have to do a few things before-hand, all minor. That is the last so-called Stable version - but it actually is being still developed with more features.

download steam jagged alliance 2 wildfire

Like go to and search for Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13 mod, and you'll find tons of info there. If you go to a search engine you'll find the website for the Mod.

Download steam jagged alliance 2 wildfire