Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the new for windows
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the new for windows

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the new for windows

Through several chance encounters with offworlders, the O'reenians realized that their technology had fallen behind that of the rest of the galaxy, and the government implemented a policy of raiding nearby star systems to take weapons and devices that O'reenian researchers could then reverse-engineer. Indeed, even O'reenian scientists wore sidearms while at work.Īlthough they were descended from colonists sent to O'reen by the Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace War, the location of their homeworld in the Unknown Regions kept the O'reenians isolated and self-sufficient for millennia. The system made O'reenian society highly regimented and disciplined, with an emphasis on martial prowess. A military dictator known as the Magnus ruled the O'reenian government and commanded its military. Only slaves occupied a social position below non-citizens. O'reenians who served in the military for six or more years were granted the rights and privileges of citizenship, while those who did not were relegated to menial occupations of the sort generally carried out by droids on worlds more technologically advanced than O'reen.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the new for windows

Their society and culture, on the other hand, were unique in that the O'reenians were divided into several distinct castes based upon military service. The species appeared similar to Humans physically with the exception of orange-hued skin. The O'reenians were the inhabitants of the planet O'reen in the Unknown Regions although originally Humans, they eventually evolved into a distinct sentient species of near-Humans.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker download the new for windows